I failed to post or acknowledge National Sibling Day. I didn’t realize there was such a day. How about you? When did April 10th become National Sibling Day? I am clearly behind the curve on more than one front. I’ve been giving thought to lessons I’ve learned from my younger brothers through the years.
1. “My saddle is too slick.”
There is no guarantee of safety in life. Just because your “saddle is slick” doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ride fast.
2. Help a guy ride a goat once in a while.
Kindness and helpfulness are infectious, pass it on.
3. Wear your Superman jammies to the grocery store.
Through the years, I’ve lived with Zorro, went grocery shopping with Superman, and zipped Spider Man up on more than one occasion. Zorro, Super Man, or Spiderman whatever speaks to your personal sense of style, go with it. It isn’t what you wear, it’s your attitude that matters. Confidence speaks for itself.
4. Forgive.
Sometimes your brother knocks you down and steals your toys, love him anyway. Life is best lived with your whole heart. We are irresistible to others when we embrace that philosophy.
5. When you’ve had enough, you’ve had enough and that’s okay.
Don’t be afraid to express your discomfort with a situation. At a certain age crying and screaming aren’t acceptable means of communication, but by no means should you stop communicating. We are each unique individuals, but we all share the common need to protect our boundaries. Clearly expressing ourselves is the first step.
Thank you, brothers. I would be incomplete without your influence. I probably wouldn’t know any fart jokes, either.