I was struggling with ideas for starting this blog, until I received a copy of an August 2000 article my late grandfather wrote for his local agricultural newspaper. As a proud, self-identifying fifth generation rancher it is important to me to remain connected and aware of my family’s rich history. I do not desire to live in the past, rather I wish to live my life in a manner that honors those that have come before me.
My grandfather wrote about his first saddle, a Connolly Brother’s #20. Flower carved with square skirts, the saddle was purchased used in 1934. My grandfather was five-years-old and rode the saddle for another seven years, before passing it on to his siblings. The saddle made its way through several generations of children and cousins, before it found its way back to my grandfather who passed it on to my brother’s and I.

The sign-off of my grandfather’s article states, “It is a good saddle with good leather and a good tree, and it will probably outlast me.” Sadly, it was a prophetic statement. Less than a year after writing these words my grandfather was gone from this world.
Some time passed, I finished college, returned home, and met the man who has become my husband. Whether it is coincidence or kismet, I do not know, but my cowboy-guy shares my late grandfather’s birthday.
The earth went around the sun a few more times and we were blessed with a bouncing baby boy. As a gesture of respect to my grandfather and Sam Elliot (Oh, I am serious) our son’s name is derived from this family artifact. It seems nearly impossible, but our bouncing baby boy is now a bouncing brave six-year-old.
I am filled with pride, when I see my son horseback. He’s taken to cowboying like a duck takes to water. The best part of it all is seeing him ride my grandfather’s saddle. A saddle which has allowed me to acknowledge that being authentic to myself, means respecting family history and embracing an agricultural lifestyle.

I miss Con Man so much, havent seen him in ages, or you for that matter 🙁 It is fun to read your blog tho 🙂 Miss ya and love ya Rach!
Miss you too Skeeter!
We will be actively following your blog and your creativity.
Awesome, Rachel!
I find it interesting that your grandfather and husband share the same birthday though no coincidence. I, too, have my grandfather’s saddle; my dad remembered that my Uncle had the saddle and traded a few guns for it. I rode with it for most of my days in Birney. I still have it and plan to use it, sometime in the future…oh my riding days are not over!
I’ll be excited to see your posts in the future!
Thank you, Mary. May you ride again!